Friday, February 15, 2013


I believe that 95.9% of my heart belongs to me now. Proudly to announce it to the whole world ( like you care ? ) Applause to me please dear reader :) 

No more Miss Desperate in Distress huh ? Well yeah, I'm a lot more happier right now, because of this heart lose its major problem, the pain and the suffer like whoosshh, BYE BYE ! It's not completely heal but the ending not that far anymore. So like always, walking with empty hands heehehe well empty heart I suppose. Well for others maybe like sad dramatic or horrible ending but me ? WHAT A FUCKING HAPPY ENDING ! AWESOME AND EPIC ! How about a thousand applause ? 

So here I stand, here I walking away from you. Don't worry, no tears just a smile. You give thousand reasons to smile and a million reasons to cry. No regret no revenge, just blow of kiss. I pray the for you and her. You happy with her,I can see that. I can't hate you because I love you, used to love  :P

Just so you know, I'm the girl who love, admire , crush and just insanely crazy for you secretly. Now I'm ready to move on, ready to turn my head and never look at you the same way anymore.

To those who never stop giving me words and strength, I love you guys for stand beside me, never bored with me. You know who you are :)