Friday, February 15, 2013


I week of holiday surely fucking not enough, why holiday doesn't feel like holiday. How frustrated I am -.- Try to enjoy my last holiday before I go back. Yeah my favorite place among of all. This is so so so sad, my Kedah's family is here, makes me wanna stay at home forever. 

I don't feel the excitement and enthusiasm anymore, well there always 'no' from the beginning but I never felt this way, its empty. I go there for sake of studies and yeah my mom so that's it. I can study trust me, I don't need extraordinary places to study, when my mind set to study, toilet can do. It just the atmosphere.

I became the old me, cold and just cold. To certain people la :) For friends that understand me, alhamdullilah for that, I still can act like crazy bastard but to the other people, yeah feel the coolness babe. Everything that I been through there just make me realized that every human in this world ( or only in Unikop ? ) is plain mean. There's no sympathy, there just 'me, me , me and me' , no matter how good am I, there's always a stab behind me, whether its a hard or soft, let them be the judges since they the one who stabbing me. 

I never even think for 1 second to actually hurt someones feeling, I can do that but no. There's always a BIG NO when it comes to stab people in their heart, I can't bear a thought of me hurting my friends or enemies. I 
can't even look at their faces if there are a single tears drop because of me. Yeah this is me, I'm not a saint or an angel but people who know me, like 'know know' will agree.    

I don't want people to repay my kindness or anything, no that's not what I did for. I did it because I'm honest. Even though I have that little hatred inside of me but I still can tolerance, not like certain people who just shoot like crazy buffalo. I think before I talk, I care about people's feeling but what I get from that ? Little shit on my face. All I want is respect, balance and love. That's it ! Wasn't that hard hah ?

Well try to think about k.