Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Its been 4 days since ' that night '. Still can't believe it happened, like " Wahh is that really me or someone else that night?". You wanna know what happen ? Like come on, I bet you guys are wondering what night ? what happen ? Or probably you don't care ? Hehehe like I care :P 

One word, Alhamdullilah :")  I finally have the guts to actually be ' honest ' to him, like tell him my feeling, well not mine, 'my friend's' feeling, hehehhehe. Oh my you guys don't how nervous or scared am I before asking him that question. Thanks to Kak Lin, Aini & Hana, you don't know how much I appreciated and feel grateful for your support and presence. They help from bottom to up, they have watched my worse moments and still never go and never give up for me. There's no word how to describe my feeling for you guys :) 

I've to be honest I wasn't completely over him, I mean like this feeling have been a part of me already so its weird to not feel it anymore. I guess I have to put more faith on times to forget him. Times will heal everything, I hope. His answer ? Well not really satisfying, it was like a cliff hanging answer. Don't know whether which one to hold on but I still feel thankful to him, for really ' into'  it. He was so seriously like OMG HE'S HOT ! hahahaha but when I see him and his girl, naah there's the ending. Feel sorry yet ? Yes I do feel sorry but what to do, I'm the one who choose this feeling. I bet he never even like think or feel anything for me. Sorry for mistreated your kindness.

Is it pain ? Well you don't know how fucking painful I am, it was like a stab in my chest, sometimes I feel nothing at all, like I'm losing too many blood but suddenly WAAAAHHHH IT HURTS SO BAD ! From the outside, I do look fine but come on, why do I need to lie to myself and friends, they know !  Hmmm this is really a great ' experience ', don't know how to cherish this unforgettable pain. To be honest I don't know how to confront him, like i know he won't feel anything but me / Gosh this man that I 've been bragging for over 6 months, will never ever know my feeling. Sad case uh ? Ok ok focus on final my dear Intan, I'm on my final and I haven't study for anything, wasn't that surprise hehehhe. Ok luck luck to me please :) Bye bye !