Monday, January 16, 2012

Now you far far away

Damn i missed them so much.Yes all of you.I don't need to mention all of your name,you already know it.Haih its been a long long time since we last hanging out with each other.Well the last time we spend our time isn't really just us,i know this time will come.The time when we will be apart away and separate.Oh my i hated this,i don't want this to happen to all of us but i can't lie,i feel it already happen to us.Well maybe we were busy with our own stuff but we promised,remember ?

I have to tell the truth that i kinda hurted with some of you,i don't want to mention your name here but just think for yourself.I hurted not because hmmm i don't know,i just want to you guys to atleast show abit of careness to me.You still wanna know how's my life so far instead of you guys just looking for me when you need me.Well thats hurt the most,looking for me only when you needed me.Its okayh,its not that i'm really care about it,i got used to it already.

Damn truth is I FUCKING MISS YOU GUYS T____T sorry if you guys read this,you guys got angry of pissed off.This is the only way i want to tell you guys how i miss,sad,angry & hurt with you guys.Whenever you guys texting me,i'm trying not to ruined that moment so i try to be happy because atleast you guys still contacting me :) glad you guys didn't totally forget me.I'm sorry again,not all of you making me feel this way.Want to know more,you know my number and know where i live.

Right now i spending more time with my other best friend rather my bestbest friend.Think about it okayh.

' i miss the moment when we were talking,crying,laughing and gossiping.I miss all of our moment,moment with each of you '