Monday, January 16, 2012

Listen to my thoughts

Ok everything happen to me right now is pretty ermmm not so good thing beside my tiredness and lack of sleep.Oh i miss sleep hahahaha ! Haih now that i have grown up ( kira dewasa la ni ) i have see & listen to things that not so good to know about.I don't need to tell you guys about what that thing is but i assured you,its a bad thing mostly.The more older i got,the more things that i don't want to & i shouldn't know,i know now ! Hayooo sometimes i feel like i'm growing up to fast,i missed the time when i was a little kid who don't know anything and just live happily in my own world,oh wait my childhood isn't really that happy.GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAT -.- ! Now i missed the moment when i was just happy when i'm happy !

I didn't said all things were bad ( well mostly yes ) i have to say that now i'm older,ehhh wait ! now that i'm 18,i got alot of good advantages that i didn't get when i was 17 hehehehe :) yes i'm satisfied with that.