Sunday, December 2, 2012

Here I go

Ok tonight is my last day here :( 

Dunno whether I should feel happy or what,at first I thought I will be happy and excited for college,well I do actually but now,when the times finally come,I felt so unhappy.Hmmmm I'm gonna miss my room the most.Hahahaha yeah I know,I can't imagine that I will be far far far away from my bed,I know so dramatic :P

I guess I should just deal with it cause this final night will come eventually.Ok now I'm all prepared for college's shits and all.The first time,it such a fucking mess.Culture shock sekejap -.- but now,bring it on BITCHES AND ASSHOLES ! IMMA READY FOR YEAH ! I will come back with new determination,strong inside and outside.No one can't bully,mess or bring me down anymore.No one can't ruin my days anymore ! AJA AJA FIGHTING !!!!

I just wish this sem will be a whole lot better and give me a lot of cheerful memories than the last semester.I'm hoping that no one will dare to at least rude with me because trust me,you don't know anything about the people of UNIKOP ! You will shock like freaking shock.World class bitches and assholes ! You don't trust me ? well come and try live here.Okayh till here my update,hoping the best to all of you.Be strong and confident.Wishing you joyful and happy life.