Monday, November 26, 2012

Step to the end

The End,
That's described everything.An end for saga,Twilight Saga.Damn I can't believe its finally over,not in a bad way but still its sad me.I still remember when the first movie came out,I think its 2009,well my first impression was like "Oh another Hollywood crap movie", and Robert ? "Oh my,he look so ugly", I've been thinking like that for awhile but I don't know suddenly 'love first sight' hahahaha if that's can describe my feeling to him.

That's the start for my so called 'Obession Twilight',at first I wasn't really agree but when many friends keep told or label me the same thing hahahhahaa HELL YEAH I'M OBSESS ! Twilight changed my life even myself.I lucky to have friends who really understand me,I think Twilight make peoples know me.By thinking,reading and looking at Twilight,they will suddenly thinking of me hahahaha.This is true k ! Not just my closed friends but also my classmates :)

Because of Twilight,I love reading novels.Because of Twilight,my English is improved.Because of Twilight,I believed in true love and how to wait for it.Ahh I can't list many changes happened to me cause a lot k,A LOT ! I wanna cry when the movies end and I've watched for 3rd times and I still felt the same way.And you know what,I cried hahahaha xP.No more waiting for the trailer,no more google new posters.Arghh all that have been part of my life and it will never happen again.

But I guess everything will ends somehow so I should be happy and just enjoy the farewell plus I have everything that will remind me of Twilight.I've completed all the collection of the novels,dvd's,posters and even I owned 1 Edward's t shirt.Thanks to bestie's :) 

People maybe doesn't understand me and they were like 'Ala movie je,nak gedik sangat kenapa ?", well typical Malaysian but you don't know anything about my 'obsession', at least I'm obsess with things that gave me so many sweet memories and improvement,other than obsess with boyfriend or other drama's.Blueeekkk Bitch ! So here I dedicate to all Twilight's Lover ! Hold your tears,Put your hands up,Wave your hands and Say Goodbye with a Proud feeling ! We MADE IT !