Friday, November 9, 2012


Seriously lately I'm addicted with this monster/romance genre.From movies to novels :) Especially vampire,oh come on don't you guys agree with me ? I don't know why I'm always fascinated with this myth creature.Some people said that they were dangerous and some said they were nice.Well hahaha I do hope that my life was like Bella Cullen and Elena Salvatore,well minus the kill/destroy drama :D I bought a lot of novels lately and guess what ? Its all about vampire/werewolf/witch/fair/immortal.Yeah addicted gila.Here some of creature that make me crazy and craving for love.

NO 7.Jacob Black - Twilight Saga

NO 6.Eric Northman - True Blood

NO 5. Paul Lahote - Twilight Saga

NO 4. Lestat  &  NO 3. Louis - Interview With The Vampire

NO 2. Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries 

NO 1.Edward Cullen - Twilight Saga