Friday, November 9, 2012

Miss Illegal already

So I'm officially 18 on 7 Nov,which is 2 days ago ! YEAHHHHHH WOWOWOWWOWOWOW ! It was so fast and I can't believed that I'm so over high school.Sometimes I keep thinking about the past and wondering how can I get through all the bullshit last year,I have to said that last year wasn't really a good year for me but so does this year.Well what do you expect from things that you're expecting kan.My 18th birthday well celebrate I guess,better than last year,hahaha again last year.I get to spend time more with the girls :) Liza,Dhia and Arfa,having so much fun with them and because of them this year birthday is the best so far.With family,well like usual,had a dinner at Mandy's and get a present from Kak Zana which is eyeliner that I've been dying want it.

Since I'm 18 already,I get to see things from different perspective now,well I realized that all these days I was selfish,especially with my Umi.You know when teenager become rebellious and I'm kinda regretted all that so I'm trying my best to be a understanding daughter.I can't really blame myself,for god sake I'M A TEENAGER SO DUHHHH ! 

Since I'm MISS ILLEGAL ALREADY so yeah lets make crime hahahaha ! Well good crime xP Dance with me Nichkhun :D