Wednesday, January 1, 2014

State of Grace

   As I promised to you guys, there's a surprise and special announcement :) Ok not that special la kan, I mean who do I think I was. Just wanna say that alhamdullilah, now I'm hijabista or sort of, ok I'm wearing hijab now. Hehehehee yeah yeah not that shocking pun because its a wajib thing but hey I took a big step to change myself, its not an easy step, take a lot of consideration as I, myself scared that I will humiliate other hijabista. I've been thinking lately that maybe now I should do more pahala, as you know, I'm a sinner and who knows what other sin I have done so untuk mengurangkan, I try to change small things first, like yeah hijab. I considered it small because now I realized, wearing hijab is so much better than before. When I wearing hijab, I see myself, my reflection on the mirror, like wow ! I'm not saying cantik gilaaaaa but I feel more peace and safe

   I'm still not perfect yet because hey its not easy to change from black to white, its easy to be a Muslim but to be a better Muslim, only Allah knows. Sometimes I wonder why a sinner like me, gets a chances, get a happiness and get so much love from HIM, even though myself forgot about him sometimes. All my prayers was alhamdullilah, granted by HIM so if me, who always make sin rather than pahala get so much love from HIM, imagine myself at HIS path. La Illah ila ALLAH apa lagi rahmat yang diberi olehNYA.

   But to be honest, I never regretted the fact I'm not wearing hijab before, some other people deleting their past and so on but I don't, its not that I'm proud or what. Its just that my oldself, she never that sexy anyway hahahhaha. I never posted any sexy lingerie pictures because I wasn't that attractive either, and to think back, thank god ! Thank god I'm fat ugly and so on hahahhaa. Now I see the hikmah, see why I never ever be the attractive one, its to guide me to now me. Alhamdullilah and syukur.

   One of the reason is I also want to show to others that a sinner like me can change. Its never too late when it comes to hijrah. Allah SWT will always accepting our hijrah, HE will never judge and HE know the best. To other women out there, hey if you not ready to wear hijab, its okay. You don't need to feel ashamed because there will be ONE day. Look at me :) So never take serious what other people say, oh pakai tudung, semua baik la, yuccckk ! I've seen enough, they just worse as we are hahahaha so change because you want too, change because of Allah. InsyaAllah everything will be easier.

   One step step at a time.....