Monday, October 14, 2013

Time after time

  Hai ! Just want to say that semester 2 finally OVERRRR ! Woah ! Merdeka ! Damn, feels good, can't believe the worse is finally over. I mean shit that I been through for whole semester feels like a wind that blow in my face and gone. Gone goodbye gone. Yeah a bit sad to apart with roommates but no worry, they still have 3 semesters and which is I have 4 more, no need to tell the future sad story yet T_T

   So I'm happily 1 month holiday :) but 1 freaking month ? Like what ? So not enough ! Hahahhaa need to relaxing my body and mind after struggling with 3-4 month stresses. Erghhh ! But anyway I trying my best to enjoy every time I had for now. 

   My family from Kedah came yesterday, again ! Hahahhaa for Hari Raya Haji, spend time here for 1 week, so there's goes the fun. But trying to throw away the negative things and enjoying the moment. I'm freaking love/hate them hahhaha but thats family right ? Plus my nephew and niece came here and its a nice thing to hang out with the kids who happily no judgemental thinking, Yeah I need them surrounding me, just now I came out from my room with only a tshirt on hahahha, instead judging my ugly legs, they just laugh hahaha.

   Today I'm hanging out with Dhia & Hana :) yeah turn out to be nice and fun and just crazy. I had my first WonderMilk cupcakes and food hahahha, yeah I know, so ketinggalan zaman. It was nice but prefer Secret Recipe hahhaa. And also my first trip to Citta Mall, haih semua first time nampak, tak ada life ke apa ? The place was descent and quite nice, different than Sunway Pyramid and Subang Parade, which crowded with people. We get to talk, laugh and gossips without worrying anyone we know will be there ;P Watching Escape Plan with them, interesting movie like surprise surprise. The cinema quite scary, its so lonely there and there's a funny incident happen ( I ran off from the cinema cause there's no one and its fucking dark and its freaked me out ) Luckily we didn't watch Insidious 2 -.' its a nice cinema by the way. 

   Conclusion is my day so far, was well alhamdullilah. Hope for the best for my next next day, no drama or anything, I just wanna live peacefully, Amin for that.

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