Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dancing through the FIRE

  Insecurities is my best features. Feeling ugly and just unattractive is my hobby, Why la I have this kind of feeling, I wish I just live happily and doesn't care about how I look, well that's the problem. I'm not pretty enough to feel that way. Always feel that I'm not pretty, doesn't looking good wearing this dress or anything. Hmmmm so sad to be me, I let all those insecurities overwhelmed me, corrupted me and just shadowing me. Sometimes its good to have this kind of thoughts but sometimes hmmmp.

   Girls out there or boys who have this kind of feeling like me. DON'T FEEL THAT WAY ! I regretted every moment I had during this period. Feel like I'm the most ugliest person in the world, feeling depressed when looking at those gorgeous girls who doesn't need a make up or even a photo edit. Yes, it hurts ! 

    But then I realized, every human were create with a different path and features. There's must be a reason why I was born and why was I looking like this ( ok that sound sad ). For whatever reason is, never looking down on yourself, no matter what !! Be grateful for having what other people doesn't have, yes that's how I think right now. Everyone not perfect, EVERYONE !

    Its okay to feel jealous over someones beauty but think, every beauty there's the flaw :) so my dear readers, love yourself. If you feel ugly, fat or whatever, there's always a make up, cosmetic products, plus size clothes, oh come on now is 21th century la ! Always remember, no matter how beautiful someones is, the most important thing is your, HEART !

Its been long time since that feeling came around, been long time. I miss the old me !