Sunday, August 18, 2013

Switch Off

To be honest I just don't understand why people acting like so POPULAR, I mean is it a lifestyle or like their middle name ? I guess their lifestyle, I seen this people, they way their talking, walking, looking at people and just do their stuff, its fucking fake. Yeah yeah who the hell I am to be a judge but come on, there's must be a limit at some point, Okay I don't care about them being whatever they wanna be, whats bother me is when it happens to people next to your room. Acting weird and like pontianak some kind of way. Feeling like this whole world is about them, god I wish I could just slap them in the face. 

Being a bitch is fine but please be a first class bitch, not some kind of low life bitch. Gosh I don't know whats wrong with this people, its like some kind of ermmm what the perfect word hmmm oh yeah ORANG POPULAR VIRUS hahaha, yeah I used to label them like that. Here at beloved college, you can see many types of assholers and bitches like you never seen anywhere.

Hmmm yeah I know. I sound mean and also kind of bitch but hey at least I keep my thoughts and stuff to myself, well technically ;P How I behave is depend on the situation, the point is know your limits. Stop acting like jakun please, this ain't Hollywood.  I know its cool to people to know you and you feel like hotstuff or something but please take care of your dignity. I'm not saying this as a haters but more to as a human and friend, this meant to you, please la take care of yourself, I don't know if you notice but if you keep doing this, you will lose respect as a person and a woman.