Sunday, August 18, 2013

Another day

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri :) Hee yeah I know today dah raya ke berapa but hey at least I wish. Just wanna say that forgive me if some of my post kinda hurt you guys feeling or just annoyed you hahahaha. Just saying that, if you guys terasa sorry yeah :) 

I wish that Raya for you guys will be happy, cheers and enjoy cause come on, its Raya right. Well my raya okay okay la hahahhaa ;P Same old same old but I guess its kinda new to me cause I'm changed, which is I don't know what have change but hey feel something new, hmm maybe because I starting to feel like "I don't care anymore what sarcastic jokes they will make for me". I'm more cool and more like whatever bitches and more forgivable :D Cross finger for that.

Okay my point is enjoy your family days as long as you can, even though they are annoying as hell. Forgive and keep it, yeah my motto now, its weird motto but I guess its true, you may forgive and move on but never forget how painful it was and just be careful. Hurt once okay, hurt twice okay, hurt for third time, time to kick some asses. 

But as a Muslim, its better to be more bertolak-ansur la if you can be patience, but if you can't hahahaha. Know what I mean right ^_^  . Enjoy the ketupat rendang all food that we rarely eat because its fucking tasty.