Thursday, June 6, 2013

Start all over again

So I only have 4 days before going back to college, already packaging my stuff, excited huh ? Well excited to get out from here I guess. To be at some place that I can breath happily, college is not the best place though but do I have the choice ? I feel like all my breath stuck on my lung when I'm with them. All those stupid lame jokes and criticism, who have the guts to stay long enough huh, well me ! 

Okay I don't wanna say anything anymore, I can't just throw them away, so happy or not I've to deal with them. I'm gonna start fresh, improve myself and just believe in myself. For those who don't know, I already cut my hair. Yeah my long long hair, bye bye. Hahahaha :) yeah I know some of you don't really like it but like I give a fuck right. For the first time, I feel like all the burden fly away, all the tears and suffer that I been through this past 2 years, since last time I cut my hair, have been cutting away. 

When my hair done, I feel like the end ! And start of something new, no more turning back, no more feeling sorry  for myself, feel like I'm the most miserable person on this earth. I feel the strength and the energy that came from no where, energy that helps me to ignore all those bullshit that people done to me. I'm turning off my emotion to those who doesn't deserve it.

I pray that I always gonna have this strength, I feel tired to be bully over and over again. I know I can't change them and pay back, the all things I can do this move on and believe in karma and have faith in time :) 

To those who facing difficulty, don't give up. Life it tough and it's gonna be a lot more tougher so we can't surrender. Stay strong and just follow the flows :D