Saturday, May 25, 2013

Please don't look at me !

I always have problems with myself. Can't be pretty, skinny, flawless skin, perfect hair whatever nice perfect things that world feed on human right now or should I say human obsession over perfectness that totally shit ! Not able being what people expect me to be is like major problem to me. For 18 years, I feel sorry for everyone for having me in their life. Feel that I'm the most ugly person in this world and not good enough. 18 YEARS ! Can you imagine it ? looking at yourself, your face and your body and feel like you should take knife or something to cut all the ugliness and make it perfect.

Now I fucking realized that why I should I feel sorry for myself ? Why should I feel like that to my body ? Allah have give a perfect me, I consider myself as lucky bastard than those who not. People will always critic you no matter how good you are, people will always feel unsatisfied with you and your body. So why you need to please every single people when clearly they an assholes. Who will help you if not yourself, stop trying to be perfect cause perfect is not perfect. 

My motto is believe this life is karma, believe in yourself and never ask people to love, respect and be nice to you ! Human are cruel, it's up to us to fight them :D That's the reason I smile.