Saturday, January 12, 2013


I wish my feeling for you will just vanish like a dust.Having this feeling for so long making me more and more pathetic.Why can't you just treat me normally ? I know there's something in your mind when you looking at me. I know it ! The way you looking at me, the way you came to me without any reasons, the way you always mentioning my name and the teasing, I FUCKING KNOW THAT IT'S NOT NORMAL ! Gosh I hated making myself looked like a some kind of girl who can't just move on from her crush. Believe me, if there's another way making me forget you, I take that chances.

Seeing you everyday already making my heart ached like hell, hearing your voice already making me melt, having you stand so close next to me already making me feel like I'm gonna fall on the ground in any times, do you know everything about you is effecting me and worse, even affected my days.

I try so hard to resist you, when I'm starting to move on, you seem to know it and effortlessly dragging me back, if you don't like me, just act normal. I know deep in your heart, you know my feeling for you and in this tiny space in your heart, there's me. Maybe there's no proof but come on, I'm not the only one noticing it, my girls even caught you looking at me even though your girl is in front of you. Explanation is what I want but I can't blame you, you already have your girl. Hmmm my girl said, she's not suprise that one day, you and me but I was like, that's so not gonna happen. 

I just prayed to Allah that you're the one, I never felt like this before. Hmmm help me !