Friday, August 3, 2012

I've been through this..

Oh damn its been so long since I last updated my blog.My blog is not dead,i repeat NOT DEAD ! I wish I can write all thing that I want but unfortunately times not that kind.This past few weeks is not that 'wawawoom'.Ok i know it kinda boring to write same thing all over again but trust me,you don't know how boring I am to felt the same feeling again and again.

Ok my life there is getting better,little bit better I think,hmmpp well sometime that 'feeling' still attacking me,it doesn't fade away,yet.When its happen,all thing turn to dark,everything seem so messed up and I'm messed up too.Do you know the feeling of you're not beautiful,you're fat and you're not good enough for anything or anyone ? Well that's how I truly felt,I feel everyone around me is so perfect and here I am,feeling so down and so not f*cking perfect.

I've been through this for so many time and most of time I always felt this way but now,it seem to get worse and worse.What I hope is someone just come to me,hug me,hear what I want to say and just listen.That is what I want the most,always.I never get that from anyone but at least I've some of my friend who understand me but here....I'm alone ! I just wish,just wish my life here would change,I know this dugaan from Allah,I know and I sure so I won't give up and try my best to survive,amin.