Sunday, July 1, 2012


My heart feel empty,yes its EMPTY ! There's a big blackhole inside of me and its getting bigger and bigger each day.I can count in 1 day the time I was happy and most of it,its only once or twice.Every single day,I woke up and just wish that day gonna be okayh and everything will work just fine but yeah just wish la kan.

I don't know whether I'm happy or other way,I don't even know whether this is what I want,I think I've turned into some kind of robot.Just do whatever my brain can think of.Walk,I just walk,Eat,I just eat,Sleep,I just sleep and that's it.That's how my life have been for this past 3 weeks.

Sometimes I'm over happy,sometimes I'm over sensitive,sometimes I'm turned into a circus or just a bossy.I'm like a machine that was about to broke down and waiting to be fixed but I don't know when I will be fix up.

I miss my OLD ME and I'm trying hard to get back her.It seem like SHE'S going far far far and far away every single day.I lost to my own life,I surrender without I noticed,white flag on my both handsWhat makes me strong is of course Allah SWT,one and only.To Allah,I cry,confessed and just be grateful.One and only that know the real me and never judged and never ever leave me.I just wish everything will change sooner because I think I'm about to surrender.Just hope and pray for the best.