Sunday, June 10, 2012

Starting of something new

Damn I've to say that I F*CKING MISS MY HOMEY NOW ! Right now here at my house make me realised that i don't ever want to get out from here.Why la I can't stay here :(

So how's your guys days ? i know some of you already started their college day,so do I.It was ok la :( hmmmmm I feel like I'm starting from down down down,I have nothing there except my clothes and stuff.My roomamate was ok alhamdullilah for now,things that i worried about is my classmate.I don't know why but they seem to like berkumpuldgngengdorg je kind of people and bilatgkorglainsikitmulagossip kind of friends.Erghh I hate it !!! Ok I know I should at least give them a chance and i am giving a chance as long they give me.I pray to Allah at least I've one good friend in my class,friend that I can teach and teaching me back.Friend that can remind me about my homework and i did the same thing to her.Most important thing is friend that can be patient with me :( Damn i miss Emily right now,the most perfect classmate I ever had.Even though we were different religion but I've to say that we really connected well  T________T

This past 7 days is like a hell to me,emotionally i'm so not stable and it ended up making me so tension and breathless.Even for small matter,I already starting to feel anger or sad.Haih maybe because i miss my homey so much and I'm so damn tired,it making me feel dizzy for everything.I just hoping that tomorrow will be ok and i can study well :) I will study smart,make umi proud and i can be a successful person,AMIN :)

Ok that's it for now,will be back on Saturday insyaAllah :) will update soon.Wish me the best because i so really need it :)