Thursday, May 24, 2012

Higher that motherf*cker

Okayh i still have 1 week to spend time at my house,my room,USJ & of course with my laptop.I don't know whether i can update my blog after this :? Ok i tell you guys later about this stuff :)

Ok right now i feel disappointed,yes DISAPPOINTED.Things that i hope to work well seem like it will broke little by little.I know this will happen like seriously I KNOW THIS WILL HAPPEN ! I'm not saying that i'm a psychic or what,its just that 10 year old girl can predict this will happen.You know this kind of stuff 'friendthanfallinlovethenjealousythenchaos'.You guys should know better la before you guys declared that you guys are BEST FRIEND.

I always told you guys or i did told you guys that to be friend with boys,you must have a lot of courage,sincerity and the most important thing is HONEST ! If you guys lacked all of this,hmmmp ! Mula la kan,seorang suka seorang ni,seorang suka yang ni then mula la kecewa la apa la.Sorry to say,geliiiiiiiiii ! If you want to be friend,just friend.If you want more than that,just say that i want more than that.This drama happen so many times but it seemed you guys never learned anything from it.

Boys and girls never really suitable being best friend,that's why i never really like being to friendly with boys because i scared another 'feeling' will emerge.The reason is simple,if we become too close,always contact-ing each other and he treated me so kind and well,the feeling of love will appear ! If the boys feel the same,its LUCKY la,if not hmmm you know what happen.When the love feeling start to show up and it turns to not so happy ending,it will destroy your friendship,if its not then your friendship WILL NEVER BE THE SAME and worsed it will ended killing the GIRLS FRIENDSHIP -.- if its happen in a group of boys and girls friendship.

I feel so relieved because i wasn't part of it,i'm glad i know you guys and you guys have already become my friends but i'm glad we stay as 'not so close friend'.Ok i don't want bebel panjang2,just think and solve this problem.I hope this time you guys learn your guys mistake from this drama.Don't destroy something beautiful and something special we shared because of this matter.