Sunday, April 15, 2012

When everything turns to hatred


Wow i'm shocked when i know they're fighting with each other.Its only a year but they already become a enemies.It make me realised that how lucky am i to have a friend that always been there for me even though not always.I'm thank god for that.I used to be jealous with their friendship because they seem so loving,caring,understanding and always together but i guess i wronged.What i learned from what happen to them is,every friendship is not perfect & every friendship not strong if we don't protect it.

Yes sometimes i feel that my friends is not fair to me or care about me,sorry you guys for feeling that way but i can't help it.I know sometimes or once you guys feel the same way i do.I'm a person that need a love and care from my friends.I have to say that my friends is one of my weakness.No matter how mad or hate i am to you guys,whenever you call or talk to me,all that rage or hatred fade away just like that.I used to told about this to my friend,i called it 'wayarbersambung' because every time i sad or angry with one of you,in the minute you will call me talking about this and that.It always happened hahaha and sometimes its make me annoyed -.- i guess i love you guys so much,that's why if i sad,angry or whatever,it will send a signal through the wayar bersambung.

But i'm glad we got that wayar bersambung hahahaha :P i know i can't ask more from you guys but if you guys read this I'm asking you guys to never forget about me,if you love me please never stop from loving me because you guys are totally one of my strength and weakness -.- hee I love you guys !