Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pusher !


okayh there's a lot of thing happen to me this days.Most of it i can't really believe it happened to me.I actually realised that i'm not that strong.Seriously i'm not strong at all,all my strength and faith seem like going down down down.Everything that i dreamt of seem to be just a dream.What i hoped seem like a hope,what i want seem like a list of things that i want.I thought i'm gonna live in a life that i forced to live for.Accept the choices that people choose for me and i hopelessly have to accept it.

I thought i have live like that but thanks to one & only,Allah SWT for always granted my prayers.Now seem like everything back to what i dream,hope and wanted.Terima kasih Ya Allah sebab selalu  ada di sisi Syikin walaupun Syikin ni seorang hamba yang banyak dosa & selalu buat kesalahan,insan yang banyak kelemahan dari kelebihan.Syikin bersyukur sangat Allah selalu makbulkan doa Syikin,tak semua tapi banyak Allah.

Now i just wish,dream,want and pray that i got to further my study to the place that i want so badly :) Amin