Monday, April 2, 2012


Hey you guys :|

Wow today is totally not one of my best day -.- i'm annoyed and i'm seriously in a bad mood.Urghh it's not like i'm complaining or what..ehh wait..this is my blog,hell yeah i can nagged all the shit i want.

I guess my PMS is gonna come soon,thats why my temper is so uncontrolled.Sometime i'm ok,sometimes i'm so not.I guess i think or stress too much about something that i don't even know to think or stressing about.Well 1 day off will help my brain worked freshly.Haih i miss hanging out with my girls,when i'm with them i feel relief & all my problems fly away T____T maybe i need someone to actually listen to my feeling,well all of them busy with their own stuff and i seem to be left out or just vanish to them.Hmmm.Thanks to one of you guys who seem really need me by their side,you know who you are lesbie :) you making me feel useful & appreciated.

Ok now i'm so sad...haih see told ya'.My mood swinging up & down.Like usual,i'm on my own,feeling so lonely and heart broken.I get used to it already but to be honest who like to feel this way.Here i am,writing my feeling at my blog,watching Korean Drama,listening to some old love song that always & successfully make me feel better while my cat,Lulu looked to me like she know my feeling.She's really a good cat :) With her by my side,i feel less lonely and yeah cat just know to meow-ing when they hungry,horny or want to gedik-ing manja hahhaa :D And the best thing is when i cried or just staring blank at my wall,she always give me that 'iknowyourfeeling' kind of look.I LOVE YOU LULU,JOJO & KAKA :') 

Now i feel better that i finally let my feeling out heee well yeah Kim Hyun Joong face is also helping me forget all this bullshit :) Will updating soon :D 


 *this is exactly how i feel.I wish someone would just come to me & hug me closely so that i can feel loved