Saturday, March 31, 2012

Better hide

Oh dear lord !! Its been like a 100 years since i last updating my blog,i thought i never gonna open my blog again.Well thanks to my headache schedule -.- and my crazy laptop.Oh damn i miss blogging,i miss writing some awesome & shitty stuff.Oh yeah HAI PEOPLE :) How's is been for you guys ? i wishing u guys the best and hope u wishing the same thing to me :B

My life so far hmmmm there's bitter and sweetness thing happen,well more to bitterness la kan.Like always -.- Haih the more i grown up,there more tougher life is.I realised that the only person i count on is me & Allah SWT.Even my family & friend,i can't really depend on them,yes yes yes i know,all of them play important part in my life but yeah human is still a human.With alot of suckness attitude come up from them,the more i feel like "Damn,sume manusia dalam dunia ni x boleh dipercayai" I'm not kutuk-ing my family & my friend but you guys know its true right.

To tell the truth,right now i feel so breathless every time people around me start to talk bad about someone,start to complaining or even start to making a face whenever they not satisfied with something so i take an action,which is i start to hide my feeling.,hide my problems and everything i could from people before their start to judging and gossip-ing about me.Ok i'm not perfect,i'm far away from being a perfect human and i'm not asking people around me to change their attitude or what,this is my problem and this is my way to settle it down.I know people around also not perfect and i'm not blaming them for the wrong attitude their have,thats is their own stuff.Yes its bothered me but i keep it to myself because i don't like to complain every time people make me angry or pissed off.If tak puas hati,straight to their face,if not simpan je lah.

Hahaha my first post after so long is 'membebel' :P well yeah now i feel so much better :) thanks blog ! For now on,i will start to update my blog again :D my not often but i will try my best to update at least 2 times a week :)