Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eat shamore and go work !

My godddd i'm feel so damn damn chubby right now -.- Thanks to school holiday laaa i have nothing to do at my home.I eat eat eat eat for 24 hours,hayooo why my aunty cooking so damn delicious,i tambah nasi for i don't know how many times and its getting worsed even when i'm sleeping,i feel so excited thinking about my breakfast for tomorrow.You have to stop this Intan,ingat azam tahun baru nak kurus kan badan,turun 10 kg jadi laaaaaaaaaa :( Starting tomorrow,after i finish working,i will start jog with Kak Wani or my brother,Zarfan.Ok AJA AJA FIGHTING ~

Speaking about working,yes tomorrow i will start working with my umi at canteen SMK USJ 13.Yeahhhhhh great -.- feel so damn 'excited' No more sleep late,no more online 24 hours,hayoo i guess i'm not gonna update my blog often after this T____T.No no no Intan,think positive,think about your damn GAJI ! with that money,you can shopping,buy expensive meals and the best thing is buy K-Pop concert ticket..errrrrrrrrrrr can't wait for that !