Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just shut your mouth

Man i wish i can do this to him :D

Oh yeah here we go again,i'm still pisssed off with 'dontmentionhisnamehere' but right now he wasn't the one who make me angry but the other person but still its related to him.Hayoooo why can everyone just fucking shut up and don't ever talk about him infront of my face.Why can you guys just be more understanding and let time make the decision between us.Yes i'm ego person,everybody have their own ego and i will become ego when it needed.You can simply said it "Lupakan la,jangan keras kepala.Keluarga mana boleh gaduh-gaduh" yes i do agreed with that but the problem here is,i have been so nice and so damn motherfucking sabar with his attitude since i don't know when,right now i finally let my true feeling out.Hell yeah i feel so damn relieved that he was gone from my life.For you guys information,i wasn't pissed with him because of what he did to me but also because of what he did to my brother.No one can mess,talk bad or bully my 2 brother except me.

So to my dear 'orangyangsukanasihatkansayatapitaktahuapa' please be quiet and just leave me alone because i can't really promise i will sabar with your annoying advise.I really really trying to be patient with him,please don't make me double up my annoying patientness with you guys.