Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Work work work

First day of working hmmm no bad laaa although its abit tired.Well i'm not tired because of my job but i tired because i have to watch SMK USJ 13's student who ermmm sorry to said,no discipline at all.Throwing rubbish everywhere,leave all the plate and cup on the table and worsed doesn't even want to line up.Hayoooo now i finally realised that my school SMK USJ 12 is way way better,ok i don't know about others school but thats my opinion la kan.Usually i don't really like to praised my school because i think there's alot of hampeh thing about my school but now i proudly said that i''m a Twelveans.

Ok i'm not gonna judged that school la,school is great only the students la.Enough that ! Hee today is the first time i cooked,well other than telur dada,telur goreng or maggi.You know what i cooked for today ? Heeeee its orange chocolate's waffel :B So proud of myself,even more proud when this one boy i think f3 keep buying waffel from me,i think twice because he think my waffel is delicious..heheheheh kembang la sudaaah ! Thats give me more strength to do better :) Thanks cute little boy !

My first day : Cool and smoothly :)

And now off to bed.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !