Sunday, December 25, 2011

That Moment

Hey you guys,sorry for the late update :) Kinda busy and plus my laptop just making me so lazy bump to online.Oh yeah my prom just passed 2 days ago and i have to admit that it was so fucking awesome :) I have so much fun.Eating,cheering,clapping,screaming,dancing & eating again,damn thats totally what i need after a all this days.Congrats to our communitee that did such a amazing job.Without them,i don't think our prom night will be that fun.Oh yeah everyone there looking so damn stunning & gorgeous.When i first arrived,i can't believe my eyes,all of my schoolmate were totally different.Man they changed so fast ! I know our prom that night not 100 % awesome & perfect like those american but atleast our prom is more hmmm i dunno,terkawal :) The guys were atleast being gentlemen and the girls heeee i get to say damn SEXXXXAAYYY ! Not really suprised though.Whatever it is my prom is one of the best night ever :)

Oh yeah here some of my moment with my friends.Yeah there's only a few shot because i didn't bring my camera that time so yeah here we go :

My Dhia look soooo HOT that night :) She's mine and she's my date of the night :P

My 2nd date,Iman :) We're dancing,laughing,jumping like no one else with us :D

Mama,Tasneem with the new papa,Daniel :0

Damn Iris was so fucking gorgeous,wonder why she's not the prom queen.Oh yeah this is my dress.

With my Mr Gaga,Roshan & Chubby Bunny of the night,Ameer.Both of them look so handsome that night.Roshan told me that he always be my Mr Gaga :B

That was some of the picture that i managed to take.Almost all of the picture were taken by others so i just waiting for them to upload it.