Thursday, December 29, 2011

Faces with problem

Everything seem so wrong right now.Problems there,over there,over here,around there..erghhh everywhere la ! My head is spinning like crazy eventhough my body is standing still.Why can my life be happy and cheerful ? Why must i feel the pain eventhough that pain wasn't mine to share or feel.Right now i feel that my oxygen is lessen than ever,i can't even breath like i used too.When i wake up in the morning,first thing that i think is 'what is the problem for today ?' Sometime i feels like i want to forget about everything and start fresh but like what other people say,life wasn't that easy.When you stuck,you will always stuck until you found your way to let go of yourself.I feel like i have been fallen for a evil trap that i don't even know who set it up.

I guess i have to endure it until what problem i'm facing right now fly away and pass me by.I think this is what we called 'dugaan & cabaran daripada Allah SWT'.Okayh thats it for today,i feel like i want to take a nap for a while :)