Friday, December 30, 2011

Bitter feeling

Tears gonna fall from my eyes in just a second.Haih i thought today gonna be just fine because i felt there will be no problem but right now its not a problem but its a sad thing.It kinda broke my heart when i look at HIM.He was like my father,my brother,my enemy,my crazy cousin & one of the people that i love the most.I know that news make him sad,i know when he was driving just now,he try not to cry infront of us.He did everything he could to improve and get and better life but yeah maybe Allah still wanna test him.Its okayh my dear bro,i will always be with you,support you and will always laughing everytime you are making a stupid joke.

Oh thanks to my dear twinzy,Syahira Naimi.Twinzy if you read this,thanks for making me happy today by texting me.I think texting with you today is the only thing that make me happy and forget about my problems.Thanks,muah and i guess i love you :)