Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Slow it down

   My Kedah family already go back to our hometown last Saturday, so its pretty lonely here, which is like wow finally ! Hahahaha, I don't wanna be a liar but yeah I miss them especially the kids. My days with them surprisingly well and fun. Awesome moment to have with my kids, that's the most important thing, they had fun. Family day at Sunway Lagoon was more than fantastic, I had so much fun like I never had with them, alhamdullilah. I was so tired that day, like fucking tired hahahaha :) No picture because I was so damn ugly there hahahaha. 

   I spent 2 days at Sunway Lagoon, next is on the Saturday night, we get to celebrate Halloween's Night hahaha. Its scary and yet so dramatic. Screaming all the way long with Kak Zana & Kak Wani. Get to take a photo with the 'ghost'. There's Freddy Kruger, Jigsaw, Evil Witch, Mummy and so many more. There's a lot of hot guys too obviously but never get to pay attention because I'm too busy watching my steps haha. I had so much fun that night even though its raining. 

   I hope you guys spend your holiday wisely with your family and friends. Appreciated every moment you had cause you never know when will we lost it. Maybe pain & suffers surrounding you but its a courage to forgive and move on. Learn to forgive but never forget cause the scars that leads us.

Frightening yet ?
