Saturday, October 5, 2013

Get Lucky

    Ola readers :) well if ada la hahaha. Okay I just wanna write something that I've been dying to write since it happen errmmm yesterday hehehehe :D. Ok last night family and I were having dinner at Putrajaya, I dunno where but its near the tasik and the Masjid Besi, around there la. Oh yeah perfect to have a santai moments with your love one, hehe promote gitu. 

     So yeah back to the story, we were having dinner there, all of us plus 2 people,my mom's bestie with his 'anak ikan' 13. Ok I know you guys wondering what I'm trying to tell here but yeah the 'anak ikan' was my ex flame aka crush. Way back ! when I was standard 5 or something, yeah kinda known him since we were both young. Now he's 24 and have a lawyer girlfriend which my umi keep saying 'tak padan lansung' cause she's so pandai and that guy is so meh meh. Ok let me tell you guys something, I have this disease call 'cepat perasaan' hahahha. Noticing  he looking at me, well he sit near me, so yeah kinda notice his eyes. I'm not saying he likes me or what, cause trust me, that eye contact thingy happen a lots but never mean anything -.-

    What I'm trying to say is wow how fast I grown up. Looking at him makes me remember how silly I am back then, having a gedik crush on him hahaha. I mean who wasn't, he was so cute back then. My family and my mom's bestie always went on holiday together so yeah including him too. He's the second guy that I have a long crush since the first one and now, the feeling gone completely and I was like ' if you were with me now, you will be the most happiest man ever and you won't need to change the way you look cause you already look fine to me' Ok I know I sound so sure and proud but yeah thats the truth ;P 

    What happen yesterday and seeing him after so long, makes me think about my other crushes hmmm. Then I realized that all of them doesn't even near to deserve my love, thanks Allah for making me patient enough to wait for the right one.

Oh damn Ian !