Thursday, September 26, 2013


     I don't know what's wrong with me nowadays, I keep pissing off over a small or silly or stupid things.Okay I admit, jealousy overpowering me. I don't know why I should feel jealous over her, why Intan why??? stupid head ! she's your friend for god sake ! Its not her fault that she so gorgeous every guy will pay attention to her. Hmmm ! Perfect word to describe me right now is, FUCK ! 

      Why can't I be like her ? I mean if, IF I was pretty like her, maybe he will look at me. Oh my god Intan !!! Kenapa desperate sangat ni ?!!! For once, I just hope there will be someone who notice me under my ugliness, maybe he can see there's someone who already long time dead inside and he can brought her back. Sedih tahu tak , sedih sangat bila lelaki yang kita suka, langsung tak notice kita, instead dia boleh pulak menggedik dengn kawan kita : ( I know he doesn't mean anything but still making me jealous.

         I can accept that he never ever be mine, I mean okay it hurts enough but never mind la, I dah get over it but this feeling, perghhh the worse feeling ever ! Now that I'm alone in my room, making it worse like I'm the most depress girl ever la. What do you think of me ? Can you guys help me ? Please help me to get rid of this feeling ! Email me : :( hahahah promote diri sendiri pulak.