Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Breathing again

Alhamdullilah I'm getting better now,I don't know how I do it,like seriously.It just happened,suddenly there was something just flew away from my body and I feel relieved and fresh.My broken heart and empty soul and this black hole just heal.It wasn't completely heal but it getting that way.Honestly alhamdullilah,oh I feel like I want to cry now,I don't know this days I becoming so easily tears up -.- Tension ! When I was the old me,I doesn't like to cried in public,usually in private place but nowadays even in the restaurant -.- Ratu Air mata betul ! Hahahahahaa :D well I guess crying is just me,by crying I always end up feeling much better,much stronger and much positive.

My life there is also getting better although I weren't really keen about it but yeah trying to be positive.I mean I'm gonna live there like 3 years or something so I should really really try to fit in that world.Trying my best and I guess I should stop pushing myself to like it,give time to myself.Yes that's what I realized now :)