Saturday, January 21, 2012

I miss you,i miss your smile

Hey you guys :) First of all i wanna wish Happy Chinese New Year,Gong Xi Fa Chai to all of you :) & Happy Holiday ! Fuhhh 1 week of holiday,damn i've been dying waiting for this holiday.I totally need some resssssst :B Now i can bangun lewat laaaaaaaaaaa !

Ok i finally lepas all my rindu to my friends :) Happily finally.First i spending time with my lesbie,Hana Jaafar ! Heeee glad i got to spend time with her during our license's ceramah,10 hours together but still not enough :( miss her already ! Then i spending time with anak angkat Kardashian's family,Dhia Adriana & My sepet girl,Alizahton ! Working with them for 2 days is absolutely the best day of my worked day.Hehehe love to see their rushing & panic face ! Hahaha sorry Liza & Dhia but can't help it,both of you look so damn cute ! Then today i got to spend a little time with my twin,Intan Tasya & my chubby,Lyana ! Erggggggghhhhhhh damn i miss them ! I'm so relief after got some private time with Intan.Glad to hear her story,feel sad & headache after hearing her problem but i'm glad i make her smile by molesting her ! hahahaha *evilface* Well with Lyana,hahaha she's working today so all day she was like 'letihsokenadudukdiam'.Well yeah i understand her,she's boring with her worked :B But i still happy to see her.

I'm so happy whenever i think about my day spending time with all of them ! Glad we still hanging out eventhough we busy with our own stuff ! To other friend that i haven't spend time or just texting,sorry ! I will contact you guys,don't worry ! And i will find time to spend with you guys.To Fathiah,if you read this damn i miss you sooooooooooo muccccch :( Miss hearing your voice and i miss kacau-ing you ! I understand you,Fath.I really do :') You working now and you tired,ohhhhhh i feel sad whenever i think about you being so tired ! I really do think about you and i almost cry when you texting me saying you sorry whenever you late replying my texting because you too tired to reply.I know you tired,i know how you feel so you don't need to feel guilty aite :)

I love you,Fath & of course Intan Tasya,Liza,Lyana,Dhia,Hana & all my other friend that sooo many to list :) Please don't forget me,do text or call me whenever you want.I will try my best to anwering or replying your text :)

I miss this moment :(