I guess in the end of day, you will always have to surrender, raise the white flag or simply give up cause you know and I know, we will always be the one who put down our ego and just forget & forgive. Are we really that satisfied ? Honestly ? Well I don't know anymore about honesty because I don't believe anymore 'honest in relationship'. Name it from family, sisterhood, friendship or romance. Every day we lie, lie and just lie so that the one that we love won't hurt, but how about when we are the one who hurt the most ?
I guess that's what we call LIFE, yeah I'm still shocked that it did happened, didn't see that coming, Stab in the heart, shivered and just plain fucking pissed. Yeah that's seriously one of the painful feeling that I probably don't want to feel it anymore cause its sucks.
Don't want to put too detail about it cause its too painful even though everything seems back to normal but yeah I guess all of this is big F lesson, now I know no matter how many investment I put into the relationship, never ever ever give all your heart on it, NEVER ! Trust me ! You won't feel it until you're facing the same situation like I did or you probably face it but still denial it. Wait till the hell break loose.
All I'm trying to say is never truly believe anyone in this world, yadadadada I'm being sooo negative but come on, this is not a fairy tales were everyone is sooo 'angel' well soo not ! Everyone had a 'satan' inside included me, I won't lie cause I do have one so boys girls just throw away the dream of 100% honesty cause its bullshit. The only real relationship you would only had is with THE ONE.
Be brave, be strong because in the end, you live for yourself, the one who can protect yourself is you. The one who truly undersrand you and have a faith on you is you.