Wednesday, December 11, 2013


   Alhamdullilah my first step to serve humanity has fulfilled, well consider it small steps cause I bet everyone have done it before, I finally had my guts to donate blood after so many semesters convincing myself, to be honest I can't stand blood, never fail to make me dizzy kot. I woke up in the morning, getting ready for class Bell then suddenly baru tahu class cancel but my mind wasn't that excited cause I know I have to donate blood, its not that I'm not happy but nervous punya pasal, then wait until 10;00 am, done calling umi asking for her opinion, here I go with Amy beside me, thank god for that. 

   Sign off some papers, checking my weight and all, oh yeah I'm A :) ok whatever, then next this nurse asking some awkward weird questions like " Do you have boyfriend, fiance, husband? When the last time you have a sex? Do you done sex with anyone?". I answered no la of course, first question pasal boyfriend pun dah jawab tak, tak akan ada suami pulak kan hahaha -.-' Then dum dum dum, laying on the bed waiting for the nurse to come, muka dah cuak dah hahahha. Then keep asking my friend who lay next to me sakit tak, she said tak but still tak menyakinkan, then the time comes. Nurse standing beside me, muka pucat dah hahaha, she convinced me that it will pain just a little, but still I don't really trust her, then turn my head around the moment jarum tu nak masuk, taraaahhhh dah masuk dah :) but still tak ada guts nak pandang, I keep singing, thinking about something else while exercise -ing my hand to pump the blood.

   After more than 5 minutes, the nurse checking me then cakap my blood weird, sebab dia jalan then berhenti -.- my heart dah stop dah hahahhaa but yeah more than 10 minutes jugak la. Fuhh everything went well alhamdullilah just a little dizzy and feel nak vomit. Spent my day today with sleep sleep and sleep hehehhe. My first experience and totally worth it, I'm happy cause as my human, I have value and function la jugak kan, so I hope I dah help people out there who really need the blood so much, even though just a small favor.

   This experience totally makes me want to serve to the world more as I dream to be humanitarian one day, so yeah takes a baby steps by donating anything you can, my next step nak join any charity that fights for children & women rights :)