I get to watch this movie with Lyana, which a weird person to watch this kind of movie but whatever hahhaa :) Its more romantic than any of you guys yang ada boyfriend :P About Time, an interesting movie, well marvelous movie !!!! I know it, when the first time I heard about this movie, I know I wanna watch it, the results is BIG THUMB !
Its about Tim, who just discovered that he and his men members family have the ability to time travel to past, only past ! And only men, when it comes to Tim, its all about love, awww wasn't that sweet ? Played by Domhnall Gleeson, never heard his name before but shocking news is he played one of the Wesley's brothers from Harry Potter Trilogy, wow right ! He's not really handsome but perghh bloody sweet, well only exist in the movie je la -.-' Then Tim meet this beautiful girl, Mary played by of course my favourite girl, Rachel McAdams, damn she so beautiful, I wish I have a face like her. Whats interesting about this movie, it wasn't 100% about love but also about father-son relationship and brother-sister relationship, which you know something I want in my life.
Truthfully this film teach me a lot, 1st is appreciate times 2nd. love people just the way their are, I mean your love ones la..arghh banyak la ! hahaha go watch it, you will know what I mean :) I even cried hahaha but bad Lyana who laughing at me -.- !
Look at them ! Aww I promised myself to find a guy like him, no matter what look he have ( well manis manis pun jadi la )