Thursday, October 3, 2013

On the concrete

    So how's my 'holidays' so far ? Well it was nice cause finally I have my room, on my own. Have been spending time with my bed like we never had. Spending time with Lyana was more than fine. Gossiping with her like the whole time, mostly about that 'girl' hahahhaa. She's the one who's driving, she bawak me to Setia Mall City and urging me to buy H&M clothes and I said yes. Can't wait to shopping there.

    Nothing much happen actually, celebrating my nephew's birthday, Qhaliff at Sungai Buloh, I forgot the restaurant but it was fun, well fun because I don't give damn about the others. Me and my food ! Mirza's having a PMR right now, which is like ok good luck even though he doesn't seem into the spirit, who does right. Apan is having fun cause UPSR's end already and he have time of his own. Eventually we just had breakfast or dinner together, the rest of it, doing our own business. 

     Now I'm sitting in my chair wearing only a tshirt, head band on my head, enjoying every alone time I had right now. How grateful I am to have this moment, yup a bit boring but hahaha, I'M BORING 1 Now I can finally watch dramas that I missed out, and holly shit there's too many of it., can't really catch up with all that. Next thing that I do is cleaning my wardrobe, keep updating my wardrobe, too nice to throw it but too lazy to wear it hahhaha. Yeah I think if you guys take time or make a time updating your clothes, you will see how much money we wasted -.-' buying too many clothes. I keep matching the other one to another one until another style came out, it is fun !!! I think you should try it but yeah I know recycle, tak main la pakai baju berulang- ulang but WTH right.

    I will never can get to cleaning my closet if I don't have a time like this so guys appreciated your 'boring' time cause you will never know if you can do an exciting activities by your own like this. No need to go there, there, there la, wasting money laaa ;P