Thursday, February 10, 2011

Slow down,girl !

I realised that maybe i making a fast desicion about you.No its not that my feeling have change or what,it just that i realise that this day i was like 'obses' with you,not crazy obses,it was like i keep looking for you,waiting for you and i will be sad if i don't see you for a day.Thats totally making me suffering because you don't even know that i was looking and waiting for you so all of this is wasting my time and my heart will keep hurted.Thanks to Intan Tasya,she's the one who open my eyes,clear up my mind and the one who remind about my own word,which is "If you keep searching,we will never get it but If you not searching,it will come to you".Now i will keep my word,i will not keep looking for you or waiting like crazy for you.I'm gonna be patient and relax and insyaallah you will come to me by yourself,what i mean is Allah will set up to meet us eventhough you never realised it.

I'm happy just the way it is,i wasn't hoping for another thing.By looking at you,already make my heart beat fast and happy for a day.I HAPPY JUST THE WAY I ARE :)