Monday, January 10, 2011

Starting to feel something

Hehehe..i saw him for the first time last week i think..yeah last week.He was cycling and i was crossing the road and that was the first time our eye contact with each other,ini cerita sebenar tau,bukan tokok tambah.I suddenly feel something new and different,hahaha panahan cinta pertama kah ? hahhaa crap crap crap.But i'm telling the truth i do feel something ,to tell the truth,i never serius about my feeling toward other guy that i like,it just a game or love bug or puppy love or whatever they called for main-main suka.Back to the story,then i meet him again for the second time,the funny things is,i can't really see his face but i can see only his eyes and his eyes was looking at me too..erghhhhh another panahan cinta pertama or syok sendiri,well hanya Allah saja yang tahu.When i come back from school,i was thinking who the hell is that boy,that bawah umur boy...hahahaha don't be suprise ok,he was form 3..hahahahhahaha.

Then yesterday finally i know who is that boy,thanks to Lyana..not so thanks actually because she also usha-usha him.No no no big no ! Lyana,jangan kacau daun boleh..hahahahhahaha ! Give me a chance ok,you have many 'boyfriend' already.Today during recess,he was standing behind me,at first i don't notice it but after i notice he was behind me,terus control ayu..hahahhaha.Now i keep thinking of him.Lyana ask me am i that serius or just playing because she know if i was serius i will keep talking about him,i guess she worry i really really serius because come on,he is such a hottie,not even chance he will like me..yeah thats the fact and i accept it with open heart.

What do you guys think ? Is it love bug or first love..whatever ! I must focus focus focus ! Damn it but i can't lie to you guys,i like him. HOHOHOHOHO don't know whether its a true feeling or just a crush.