Monday, January 3, 2011

Perfect day

Today is my first day of school for 2011 session.Totally 'perfect'..well not so bad actually.I wake up at 6.15 am as usually,shower,pray,get ready for school and blah blah..Today also a funny day,you know why ? I accidently wear Mirza's school shoes,hahahaha ! he's size is 9 and mine is 6,you can see the differeness between our size.Before i wear it,i sense that my shoes was big but i don't really care about it, don't take that thing seriusly.

Ok i sit beside Tasneem by the way,infront which is a perfect spot but sadly i sitting far away from Dhia and Aina,yeah perfect is it ? Now i don't have friends to talk crap,Tasneem is crazy as well but not as crazy like Dhia.

The teachers was ok but some of it i don't really like but don't want to mention their name,anyway i still feel thankful because most of the teacher that teach our class is a good teacher.

Today was so damn raining,i was so damn wet from head to toe,thankful i wear tudung,i still can cover my head.Eventhough its raining and make everyone pissed off but i still feel happy because atleast today Fathiah,Lyana,Myrra,Intan Tasya and me can hang out,wet and laughing together.Eh wet because of the raining ok,no dirty minded !

5 Midori here we go !