Monday, December 31, 2012

Last time

31.12.12, the end of 2012, the starting of 2013. Well I still have trouble adjusting myself about how times flies so fast. Remembering things back like the time I finally graduated from high school, entering college and now I'm on my 2nd semester already. Serious shit times so fucking fast furious. To tell the truth I don't know what to expect from 2013 because 2012 wasn't really a year that I achieved great things. I just hoping that 2013 will be so much better, cross finger for that. Just prayed to Allah that 2013 will give me more happy memory. My wishing list purfff will be the same things like other years and trust me, I don't know if I accomplish it because we don't know what will happen in the future and I'm surely DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY 2012 FATE but now I know and its 88% sucks.

Let see things that I achieve/got/happy/sad/fucked up for 2012 :

January-February : I don't remember anything so it means I'm doing nothing.

March : SPM results 1A, 3B, 3C & 1D . Hee I don't know whether this is the real result but I do remember I got an A    
               for English which is like WHAAAATTTTT  ! 

April-June : Working my ass for the sake of money with Umi at SMK USJ 13 canteen and there, I kind of like this Chinese             
                     boy who 2 years younger than me and Dhia was like " Oh Intan so cougar ". The best thing working there is I           
                    dragged my friends ass worked with me :P 

July-October ; Yeah college life, " so much fun ". The beginning of  my unstable emotions and yeah " that night ". The   
                           night he make me erghhh fall in love, Mr Stupid Dumb Ass. The beginning of my miserable/gedik days. 
                           Making me cried for the 1st time because of boy ! Good things still happen to me hehehehe 1 I found a new 
                           friends that alhamdullilah kind enough to me and accept me just the way I am.

November-December : Sad happy ending, my precious Twilight Saga finally end T___T  Oh I forgot ! My So Sweet 18teen 
                                    Birthday ! which is better than last last last years. Celebrated with Dhia, Liza and Arfa and they bought 
                                    me 2 awesome novels that I finished just 2 days :P   

So there you go, all things that I managed to remember :) I'm not saying that 2012 suck so bad well no lah. Still ok but you know I still didn't get things that I wished the most. But while refreshing back all the memories, I realized 1 thing, my friendship with my girls. After almost 4 years, we managed to get through all the obstacles, it make me realized that our friendship is alhamdullilah stronger than it seem. I LOVE YOU GUYS :) 

2012 also taught me that I shouldn't let anyone break me apart, no one can beat me down. If I need to be a bitch to stop all the fuckers from bothering me, bitch will I become. Anyways, the most important thing is Syukur to Allah because still let me breath till this moment, something that I can't ask more.