Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everytime it happen

Hey you guys :)

Miss you all so much :B first of all i want to say that I'm FREAKING HAPPY THAT NEXT WEEK GOT 2 DAYS OF HOLIDAY ! HAHAHAHAHA CAN SLEEP LATE & WAKE UP SUPER DUPPER LATE :) So far my life have been updating smoothly without drama,alhamdullilah :) At least i don't have this heavy things on my head and i can breath happily but what is life without some silly love story.Hahahaha yes yes thats what happen to me right now -.- I try to move on and forget about it but if what happen yesterday,everything have turned to upside down.Thanks Syazwani,this is your fault for making me this gedik :P

Yes i still crushing with the boy that i called SepetBoy hahaha ! Love his sepet eyes ^.^ Oh yesterday was totally like our moment erkkkk so dramatic la intan -.- what i mean is yesterday was the first time i having a real chit-chat with him eventhough it was like 3 minutes of conversation hahahaha i know intan gedik :D But i can't help it,falling into his super dupper sepet eyes & his smile,oh my Liza,kalo kau baca ni mesti kau tak percaya aku yang tulis ni.

Yes i may look or sound like a girl who having her first crush hahaha :) but yes i do feel like i was having my first crush all over again because with him,everybody like him and know him :) with my past crushers,it was more like 'tengokdarijauhje' kind of crush but with him,i can express little bit of my gedikness infront of him.Well maybe because i older than him ! WTF OLDER THAN HIM ???? Hahaha yes yes 2 years younger than me,damn Dhia yes i'm cougar :O

Let see how long my crushing last long hahahaha either it turned to be good or vice versa.