Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I don't want 2 hear it anymore

Hye everyone...today was a nice day and SHOCKED..hahahahaha...today MB send another naked picture..wth???oh god please...insafkan dia,make her smart please...why you so dumb MB..why..why?..the way you act,it make me disgust with you.It make me feel like you are whore and so cheap..sorry if im rude but its the truth..don't you think?
What was you thinking sending those picture??Are you happy,showing off your 'putih melepak' skin..or are you horny,god i can't believe i wrote this word.The way you act..it just make yourself a fool...For your information,half of your class know about this already and for your INFORMATION AGAIN beside your classmate..most of SMK USJ 12 student form 4(not all but duhh!!)know about this already.Don't you realise that the SECRET ADMIRER never exist?Are you that naive or you just pretend that you are..GOSH..i just wanna slap you...Today you send another naked picture..this time all your body(eventhough you cover it) but still people can see...
We were so shocked..it is so gross...eeeeewwww!!A.S.A.P please...take her way 2 hospital mental and wash her brain..HAIH..no komen la..i cannot think any bad word 2 describe you anymore..im lazy 2 hear it anymore...better study la....think about your parents.please MB!!