A 'vely" HELLO to all dear readers, yahh I've been using 'vely' pretty much for today. Feeling udah lama bangat ngak diupdatekan blog aku yaaa. Maaf yaaa aku busy banget sihhh ! Hahahahaha yeah missing my blog so much but whenever I'm typing, it doesn't feel right, you know no connection so yeah been dragged for whole months since then.
So what happen to me ? Well shortcut la yeah, my life 50% sucks, 30% (Y) and the rest is a blur ( which is happen most of the time ). 2 months ago I had my semester break and now 3rd week of my sem 4, already headache with stupid things, well people but I prefer to describe them as 'thing' cause they not worth it to call human, for me lah.
Another disaster and drama ? Well those things are my days. But everything happen for reason right ? Yeah even it breaks my heart and bones but it will never success on crushing them, fragile as it looks, but my hearts made by ermmmm what it calls ek, ala org jahat dalam Terminator 2 tu, tembak sambung balik, pecah sambung balik hahahhaa, go google it.
Dah lali dah org pandang rendah, pandang macam Intan tak boleh diharap, kena pijak kepala and kena ignore, well asam garam Intan lah, yeah it hurts so bad when people judging you based on your looks and just simply label you weak. Lali tak lali, tak pernah stop wondering kenapa org selalu macam tu dengan Intan, Intan selalu je biasa, tak kurang ajar tak sopan sangat, relax je but still...maybe there's a cop over my head that say "USE ME". Well I don't know about that but what I know is what goes around, come around, callng someone stupid or looking down at him, doesn't make you smart or make everyone salute you. NO NO NO NO and BIG NO !
What am I doing right now ? I'm doing what the best thing I'm good at, ignore and simply move on. I don't need this things cause in another few years, all these damn things will be just a scars or nightmare, as bad as I am, I always had my loved one behind me, that's my best features. No matter how complicated I am, there's always one who understand me.