Monday, December 27, 2010

Year by year

Wow 2010 gonna come to the end soon.So damn fast time flying,i can't even barely enjoy the great moment i had this year.Alhamdullilah most things that happen to me this year is a good thing,most of it so yeah 2010 is relax year for me,no tension-tension.I realised that year by year i grow up to be more matured,no to kanak-kanak ribena already.I accept myself and try to accept other's weakness.I can see more clear now about the differeness of good thing and bad thing,make my own desicions about it.Well now i'm sixteen,soon gonna be 17,and then 20 and then 30.I can't believe now that i gonna be senior and graduate from high school.Its not that i'm so excited or what,just that wow i gonna be an adult soon,no more student special treatment,thats sad.Everyone that i know since sekolah rendah till sekolah menengah,gonna go and carry on their dream and we never gonna meet again.That make me sad.Doesn't matter if i like that person or not,but the real matter is I'M GONNA MISS THEM.Ok i'm getting emosional here.Oh come on Intan,you still have 1 year to go,so be a good person,friend and student because when the times is come,we all gonna say farewell to each other and at that time,you will smile and willing to let them go.