Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Test me Bitch !

Oh yeah i feel annoyed with you,you and you for a long time already.Ok lets give you,you and you a name.Ok first you is D,stand for Desperate,another you is TSK for Tak sedar diri AND you mother fucker ermmmmmmmm....hmmmmmmm TL for Taylor Lautner..hahaha.Friends who know who is this 3 little fairy is,please keep it as a secret.Its between you and me.

Oh D,don't be so desperated la..i wish that i don't have annoying feeling towards you because you are nice person but because of your DESPERATE attitude,you make me feel like i want to slap your pretty face..goddddddd please look at your mirror and see how stupid and DESPERATED you are.

For TSK oh my,actually i don't give a fucking care about you anymore because you totally not my best friend anymore wait not even a friend.Yeah no love feeling for you anymore.I hate you for so long already,just that i'm too nice to said that at your ugly face.I can't list the reason that i hate you because its too many,yeah so damnnnnnnn many.

Here we go,the ultimate shit and the worse guy ever,let me intoduce at you guys,'Taylor Lautner' ergghhhh me want to vomit already.The reason why i called him Taylor Lautner is not because he's so hot or what,oh p-p-please ! it just that he acted like he is sooo hot.Cheating is his hobby,once a cheater,always a cheater.Ok i know i'm a bad person because i kutuk him so much,well i can't help it ok ! Only God know how hate i am ! Nevermind,now you win but wait until you lose, your dick will pain like shit ! I WILL MAKE SURE OF IT.

PS :

I'm so sorry for my rudeness,yeah i know my word is a bit harsh but what can i do,i really pissed right now.They really annoying and bitch ! yeah my favourite word for today B-I-T-C-H
Ok i already promise to myself to be a good friend to my friend,FOR NEXT YEAR,now still 2010 so i still can act like a bitch to people who annoyed me.People that make me annoyed please behave.