Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Whatever you like

Hello you guys..
hmmm....lately malas la nak post..
nak tidur je..penat..

Well actually i have something 2 post today..
its about MTF...people who know who is this person,please keep shhh!!
I guess you guys must been thinking that i gonna kutuk MTF again...well you know what?

You wrong..not because i finally like MTF and want 2 be friend with this person..it just that im tired for all this shit and crap..im DONE..enough already..its not worth it..actually it wasting my time..your time..and everyone times..
because i know that i never gonna satisfied with MTF..so i decide that I DONT CARE anymore ..READ CAREFULLY: I DONT CARE...

So my beloved friend,im not gonna kutuk2 her anymore..buat dosa je..:)..nak puasa dehh!!
So if you guys nak kutuk2 dia,dipersilakan dan saya turut join but just that..
not gonna do some EVIL PLAN...hahaha..

And you MTF...sedar la diri..perangai awak tu membuatkan orang sakit hati,yeah i know everyone ada kebaikan and keburukan..
but don't use that as a reason you acting like that..
Before its 2 late,check yourself whether you buat banyak pahala or dosa because im gonna do it 2 myself either...:)..alim sudah..but if you still tak sedar diri..hmmm..WHATEVER YOU LIKE LA..
just one more thing..PAYBACK IS PAIN..WHAT GOES AROUND COMES ROUND..remember that..not as Justin Timberlake song but as LUMRAH HIDUP...